Sunday, July 27, 2008

Camp Evergreen 2008

We returned from Camp on Friday. I think that the girls were happy to be home. They were no longer having to try to get through barricades or get down to climb down the mountain. They also no longer had a leash attached to them. Yes I put leashes on them, I feel it was the only way to maybe keep control and keep them safe. Camp started out really tough. With me, Skyler, Madelyn, and Bethany throwing up on Sunday night, ALL night long. Thankfully we had some meds there that helped us through a little. Day 2 Me, Skyler, and Madelyn slowly getting to feeling better, Beth ran a temp. That night Mama and Lori joined the fun. Day 3 Me, Skyler, Beth and Madelyn felt good and things were back to normal for us. Day 4 Lori and Mama felt good again.....wait camp ends tomorrow!! It was tough those first few days, but Camp I think was really good this year considering.......Shawn was Santa Clause on Christmas Day...Mama and Lori were some of his reindeer........Shawn was a Hobo getting ready for his Chapel, it was really good. Campfire was really good as usual. Although I only made it to 2 of them. Jimmy and Luella came up on Thursday for Jimmy to Baptize Hailee...A very good day. Shawn did the archery with the kids daily, and when Daddy got there he got to shoot too. The kids called Shawn "Robin Hood" this year. And well I caught Caleb doing a little flirting with a young lady while we were there. I believe he said he got 11 #'s while we were there and 9 of them were starts...........There were Hummingbirds that were always feeding on one of the porches. They were really neat to watch, I got a few good pictures of them. And of course all of the kids LOVED Ella and Madelyn, but who doesn't............And there are a few pictures of the girls on the way home, Madelyn enjoyed her feet..................I believe that Camp was a great Blessing to my family and I am so happy to be is very uplifting.........There are lots of pictures sorry, but there is lots to see when you are there for a week......Can't wait to see what happens next year.............................

God leads us in happy and sad times...
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